Client Etiquette – our expectations at Tender Touch Massage with regards to the simple rules of common sense and good behavior.
We will gladly answer any questions you might have about the massage before we actually start the session, so please feel free and ask for any clarifications you may need and don’t make any assumptions.
Remain within the personal boundaries your masseuse has set. Sensual massage is a very intimate experience. If you make your masseuse feel uncomfortable or disrespected, it is likely to hinder your experience.
Gentlemen’s rules apply here – Please, ALWAYS ask before you touch the lady. Make sure your touch is gentle, sensual and soft only. Please do not grab, squeeze or forcefully touch your masseuse.
Touching in between the legs – is at the discretion of your masseuse. If she agrees to compliment your experience, please make sure you have the funds available to tip her appropriately.
Sex is not a service offered at Tender Touch, so please DON’T ask!
Your request will be denied, so please, save us both from an awkward moment.
This is not expected or required (unless the masseuse offers a complimentary service). But if you enjoyed the service and the lady went out of her way to provide a very good service to you, a small tip or gift can go a long way to ensuring that lady remembers you and continues to provide a quality and valuable service next time.
If you are disrespectful, you will be asked to leave immediately and without a refund. If your masseuse tells you no, more than twice, you will likely find your massage cut short.
Please do not ask your masseuse for her private details. This is against our rules.
We value our ladies very highly. Their safety in performing their services is paramount.
Violence and/or any unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated.
Our aim is to provide you with the very best possible service we can. By following our simple Client Etiquette, your time with us will be so much more enjoyable.
Please also see Shower Etiquette