Massage for Women

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The ladies at Tender Touch love when women get to experience sensual massage. We have ladies and a gentleman who specialise in offering a unique and different service that women will appreciate.

Everything is done at your pace and in a way that makes you feel comfortable. While our ladies/gentleman are fully nude, you have the choice as to whether to be completely naked…. or perhaps you would feel more at ease by keeping an item of clothing on.

A sensual massage may include a gentle and respectful Tender Touch ‘happy ending’.
This is also known as a Yoni massage. Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina and means “sacred space”.
Please discuss with your ‘massage person’ before the massage begins if you wish to receive this.
It is important that you decide according to what feels right for you.
You are free to stop at any time.

A Tender Touch sensual massage gives women the opportunity to experience different sensual and sexual dynamics, in a non-judgemental, non-expectant environment.
All our rooms have in-shower facilities, and are warm, comfortable and very private.


Massage for Women

10 reasons why women should have a sexual sensual massage

  • Feeling tense and need an unconditional orgasmic release.
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm when with another person.
  • Curiosity and satisfying a fantasy.
  • Your libido has recently increased considerably.
  • Letting go of control and trusting others with control.
  • Postmenopausal and still very sexual.
  • Convenience and self-care (busy professionals who don’t want a relationship).
  • Poor body image and lack of sexual self-esteem.
  • A need to feel desired and dominated
  • You have always had a fantasy of being erotically massaged by a masseur.

See also Massage for Couples…


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